Friday, July 22, 2011

Republicans in our House of Representatives Care Not for America!

How does anyone in this country comfortable call themselves "Republican"? It is as obvious as Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking ability that these elected officials only care about regaining the White House in 2012. They do not care about America anymore than, well, Rupert Murdoch. I am quite confident that John Boehner and Eric Cantor can be put in the same category as Timothy McVeigh. Yep, they are home grown terrorists just like the one who masterminded the destruction of the Oklahoma building. But they are more dangerous. Due to their positions and their ability to blackmail our president, they have the power to destroy and kill more Americans. Yes, I said kill.

Wrap your heads around the 70 million people who may not get checks on August 3rd if the debt ceiling is not raised. Some of these people run out of money days before that monthly check arrives. How many will have their air conditioning/electricity cut off? How many will not get their necessary medicine? Yet Boehner and company will refuse to negotiate unless Obama takes off the table the elimination of the tax cut for corporate jets!!

Again, how can anyone call themselves "Republican" when they must embrace this abject corruption? This is beyond comprehension; which is why so many Republicans still align themselves with the right. They simply do not understand. I believe they maintain a high level of ignorance so to not have to think about the evil being done by those they elected. They must keep their heads in the sand, or they will have to reject those who tell them they are doing God's work. The right wing claims to be protecting the country from gays, baby killers, and welfare mothers. Sadly, it is more important to these ostriches to think there could be an elimination of those evils than to open their eyes and condemn the real demise of this country being spearheaded by our House of Representatives.

Thank you,


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Exactly Where Do People Want This Country to Go?

What has happened to this country that no matter what a president does, he is damned. After the insanity around Obama's birth certificate, now I hear people saying he played this politically. That perhaps he concealed the certificate just to reveal it at the "right time". WTF?? Only the stupid (read: tea partiers and those even less courageous not to call themselves that), believed that he has been hiding it. Amazing how two newspapers announced the birth of a black baby born to a white woman married to a Kenyan, for the sole purpose to, 46 years later, FOOL the entire American public. But, hey, no one believed them. And no one believed the short form birth certificate that WAS released. Gee, why should we believe some office called "Hawaii Office of Vital Statistics"? Who ever heard of such a place? MAYBE SOMEONE WITH A BRAIN?

This of course brings us back to the horrendous state of education in this country. But isn't this the Republican agenda? "Keep 'em ignorant. They will believe anything! Let's tell them that the president of the United States was born in Kenya!" Anyone that bought that bullshit without investigating (and that means viewing information other than FOX news), should be ashamed and enroll in the nearest community college. Then they should not speak until they get an AA degree in anything.

And another thing: To the stupid idiot on facebook that said Donald Trump could not be worse than Obama, you need to enroll in a coffin six feet under. You probably to this day blame the NYFD for all those deaths they caused on September 11th, 2001. Why the hell didn't they keep those buildings up? I am sure it was Obama's fault.

Has everyone forgotten that this country was in the TOILET when he took over? We are now producing jobs instead of losing them. Unemployment is decreasing. The economy is improving, not disintegrating. And if the Republicans would stop damning every upturn as being unimportant and doom is looming, consumer confidence could possibly rise. Yes, if we consumers would use our money again, THAT would ignite the recovery. But the stupid (see previous definition), are believing the GOP, and holding this country back.

What is the solution? We must keep Obama in another 4 years. He must have more time to implement his solutions. He has been stonewalled and stymied. Perhaps with another term, we can see more of that change. Of course, we need to change some of the bad diapers in Congress.
Thank you,

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Barbeque of Obama

Here are my thoughts on why the liberals are beginning to barbeque President Obama. When we voted for him in 2008, we were not voting in a president, but a Messiah. We had been to hell and had still not seen the bottom when mercifully George Bush's term came to an end. We needed someone to tell us he would fix everything. We needed the antithesis of Dubya. Hillary Clinton would have done a phenominal job, but she did not fit our idea of ultimate change. Would she have done a better job? Who knows? We will never know. Is Obama doing the best for us? None of us are certain. Is doing the best he can? Yes! Who among us understands Washington? I was pissed as hell about those Bush tax cuts extending. I am not sure why they were not passed before the 2010 elections. I do understand nothing could be done after that, unless Obama was willing to sacrifice the middle class who were reliant on unemployment payments. What we must do is cease the infighting. They want to divide us, turn us against Obama because he has not healed all the lepers of America. But, if we just come together, sit back and watch, the Republican party will fracture themselves into little bitty pieces. Obama will skate to victory in 2012! Can we afford another term of Republicans? Even scarier: a president with alliance to the Tea Party! It is time to look at the really big picture; something the Republicans never seem to do.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Death of Education in Florida, and Ohio

Well, today begins the end of real education here in the sunshine state. Our legislature approved a bill, which will surely pass in the senate and be approved by gov'r scotty, that ties our paycheck to our performance and removes tenure for incoming teachers. While the merit pay may not in itself be wholeheartedly destructive, (it will depend on how it is implemented), the lack of tenure for future teachers should be a huge red flag waving, "DO NOT COME TO FLORIDA TO TEACH!!!" Removing tenure will now allow those in charge to dictate what is being taught. Evolution? Doesn't happen. The Holocaust? Never happened. Slavery? Overstated. How about sex educatoin? Why bother? Our kids do not have sex before marriage; that is what we tell them. And what do you mean you won't come to another 2 hour meeting after school Mr. Jones? I am the principal, and I am telling you to come, so you will if you want your job.
The next step will be the removal of the unions. This is for a fact, in the works. The Florida Legislature wants to make voluntary payment of union dues illegal. And after that, by the way, if you do not have at least 50% participation in your union, you lose collective bargaining rights.
This brings us to Ohio. The Senate voted to remove collective bargaining from all unions: teachers, firefighters, police and a total of 350,000 state workers. This was done in a 17-16 vote. And one news report said a dissenting Republican was removed? Sadly, the editor of The New Media Journal stated in an Editor's note that "anyone screaming union busting was a bald faced liar and an agitator, hell bent on creating chaos while attempting to organize factions for the upcoming elections. Period." REALLY? Does this guy think he is a real journalist? No, he is an uneducated Republican claiming such due to his allegiance to wanting to go to heaven. Period.


No, I am not telling anyone to panic over the situation in Japan, not even the Japanese. This was the headline in the New York Daily News. Yes, that would be New York City, in the United States! The zone considered dangerous is in Japan. Not even the west coast of the USA needs to worry. Those in Japan are right to be concerned and take every precaution including taking the potassium iodide, (KI) tablets. But when is "panic" ever good advice? I know when I panic, I usually say something I regret. Or I eat a lot of food in preparation of being really upset and maybe not being able to eat. Either way, panic is never a precursor for intelligent action. So why would this news paper put out such a headline? The truth? This will sell newspapers. Selling newspapers will increase advertising revenue. Hmmmm. Who owns this paper? It is owned by The Tribune Company, which is a 5.3 billion dollar a year company. It owns many of our so called unbiased newspapers. The Tribune is headed up by Sam Zell. This real estate mogul is estimated to be worth over 5 billion dollars himself. When does one reach a point in life when one has all the money one needs and begins to give back? "Give back" as in responsible journalism?
So the other question is "who believes this garbage?" Well that would be those not educated! I would bet the vast majority of those ingesting KI pills have absolutely no idea why they are taking them! What is even better is the subtitle to the headline: "anti- nuke pills are selling out!"
So this leads those ignoramous' to believe the KI pills will protect them from a nuclear winter.
Is there any mystery why the Republicans support ignorance when it results in an increase in profit?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What a difference a year makes!

Education? In serious jeopardy.Politics? Seems to be being run by the Republicans, specifically the Tea Party. Religion? Dictated by the Republicans.
Upon discussion with my peers, we have decided that this latest run of insanity by various governors, (Wisconsin, Texas, Michigan, Ohio, and more quietly Colorado and Florida), is really about ridding the country of Democrats. If the unions can be dismantled and that money formally used for dues goes to Walmart and other Republican corporations, come election time, there will be no funds in the Democrat coffers. This will allow the even more rich Republican corporations to buy millions of dollars of ads forcing lies down our throats. And of course with very little viable education, few will be able to intellectually fight off these lies. We will all be forced to believe the base values of the Republicans: white supremecy, marriage between only a man and a woman, and abortion and contraception will not be a choice.
The movie Idiocracy is becomming very believeable, as is the end of the world in 2012.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Historic Health Care Reform

Blessed are the ignorant, the stupid, the scared, the Republicans. They shall one day have their eyes opened. I know the abortion issue is huge, I know it strikes deep in the hearts of the shallow Christians. It is all they know. I am not pro-abortion, nor do I think many people are. Therefore, I agree that tax payers should have a voice in how their money is used, and to use it for elective abortions is inappropriate. However, only the ignorant and shallow can possibly believe it is better for a victim of rape or incest to be forced to carry a child to term due to lack of money for an abortion. Nor should a family be forced to watch their mother and wife die due to complications of a pregancy, again due to lack of money. This is civilized America we live in, not hundreds of years ago. Abortion is a necessary evil. Without that choice we will revert to the back street, illegal and severely dangerous butchering of the past. Because until we stop RAPE and INCEST by those uneducated and angry men in our society, we will have to allow women the choice of abortion. Of course rape and incest is not allows by the uneducated, as we have seen. But check out the prisons, how many rapists and pedophiles have college degrees? We know this dis-ease is about poverty and ignorance and being handed a life without a tool box. We also know that if we educate those born into poverty, they are less likely to follow the path to welfare, and over reproduction. We should also be able to make the leap that health care for all, will also foster the continuation of a more civilized society. When we take care of all, we begin to realize the sanctity of life.
The other ignorant statement coming out of this vote last night is the price tag. (just go to Twitter or Facebook for those comments). It truly amazes me again, how we can get two views of this that are 180 degrees apart. The Obama camp has been telling us we are going to save money in the long run, and they have tons of evidence to prove it, yet the Republicans are again, preying on our ignorant fears to incite the greatest fear of all: raising taxes. President Obama said there will be a tax cut, the Republicans say a tax increase. Interesting, because the ones who say there is a tax cut are the ones in control! The very ones who supported a president that got us into a completely unnecessary war which is sucking 10 billion dollars a month, are those screaming about changing a system that is totally broken. There is nothing left to assume about the Repulicans except they are either complete liars, or completely stupid. Oh wait we forgot religion. How many Republicans are in the legislature primarily or solely for the purpose of getting Roe v Wade off the books, and ensuring gays do not marry? That is the scariest congressman of all. And they are there.
Lastly, I am hoping some of my burnt out, near dead colleagues in the education business, may finally be able to get out of teaching. They feel trapped. Why? They cannot afford health insurance until they are old enough to collect Medicare. Strange, some of these people are Republicans who oppose any government involvement in health care (it is socialist you know), yet collecting Medicare is their God given right, I guess. Ignorance.
Blessed are the courageous, the visionary, the Pelosis, the Obamas, the Stupaks, for they will inherit my vote.
Thank you,